Weekly Golf Report 25/8/24

Saturday’s event – the Buckell/Cooper sponsored 4BBB drew a good crowd and some nice weather. While there were no runaway winners, a runaway remote controlled buggy racing towards the dam on the 12th hole did cause its owner and those in his group some concern and hilarity! Haus and our President’s group watched as Haus’s remote control buggy headed towards the water following a collision between the President’s remote control buggy and Haus, leaving the latter on the ground and his remote control out of reach!

Kevin Bauerle & Gordon Mackay were winners in the Men’s Comp with 43 points. They were followed by 2 pairs on 42 points – Paul & Ashley Kuiper and John Neale & Gavon Armstrong. The Kuiper boys were runners-up on a count back.

The Ladies’ Comp saw a similar result:  Von Morris & Marlene Topp scored best with 39 points and a count back was again required to determine the runners up. This time Sharon Harrison & Bev Lyon were victorious over Leanne Busch and Jenni Bauerle – both pairs having 38 points.

Nearest the pin results - 3rd A Men – Mick McAuliffe, B Men – Ian Rathjen, 12th A Men – Graeme Harrison, B Men - Alan Curnow, Ladies – Jenni Bauerle.

Pooch McHale claimed the voucher on the 15th. 

Ball Comp winners were – Neale/Armstrong, Kellie Cheong/Ian Rathjen, Peter Blackmore/ Roy Gill and Mooroopna visitors Bill Murphy/Robert Frame.

A small number of men braved the conditions on Tuesday. The winner was Mick McAuliffe – 35 points and a count back was again required to separate Kellie Cheong and Kevin Humbert – both on 34 points. Kellie was the runner up and Kevin collected a ball in the ball comp. Kevin wasn’t too disappointed though as he won another 13 balls on the 3rd  one for nearest the pin and 12 balls for  winning the jack pot! Well done Kevin.

Next week’s event is Stableford and remember that coring of the greens (weather permitting) commences on Mon 2nd Sept. It would be appreciated if anyone able to assist was at the course from 8.00am on Monday.   




Ladies Golf Report 28/8/24


Women’s Golf Report 25.8.24