BOWLS - Weekly report 24/11/24


Playing 2nd placed Echuca on their much faster greens wasn’t easy. Thank you to our 4  men for filling in on the day, but even they found it tough going. Team 1 led by Bev Lyon against P Lewis’s rink went down by 23. Team 2 led by Leanne Busch against M Thorn had the best result for the day going down by 15. Team 3 Helen Emery’s rink had the toughest day against T Nagorcka and his team going down by 29. Next week we face the top of the table team in Moama Steamers at home. Good luck and good bowling.



 At home against Rich River this week we had an early morning start due to the soaring temperature by afternoon.

Graeme Topp skipped for Dave Clavell, Frank Findlay and Marilyn West against T Beck and her team. With scores close on the twelfth end and just behind 8 to 12, the Valley View team were briefly ahead after a brilliant 6 on the thirteenth end. Rich River showed their class picking up 15 shots to 1 over the next 5 ends to open the gap to 10 shots on the eighteenth. They then closed out the match by 12 shots 28 to 16.

Rod Donohue’s team of Ken Hastie, Lenny Wiseman and Alf Soden had the closest contest of the day. Leading by one after the thirteenth end, they could only manage to pick up 1 shot on 5 of the remaining 8 ends against the team led by F Ross who picked up a 3 and a 5 and a total of 9 shots over the last 8 ends. Rich River won by 3, 20 to 17.

Ken Black’s team of Kevin Broadhurst, Tim Robertson-Skevington and Rob Varcoe battled with B Trengove and her team. With scores even at 12 each after 13 ends the Valley View team only managed to pick up 1 shot to 11 over the next 8 ends. Going down by 10 shots 23 to 13.  Overall score was a win to Rich River 71 to 46.

 Next week we travel to Mathoura. Good bowling.




GOLF Weekly Report & Club Championships


GOLF Report 17/11/24